Israel bombs small villages, kills 50 in Lebanon

Israel bombs small villages, kills 50 in Lebanon

Today, Israeli bombings across the small villages of South Lebanon killed 50 people and wounded over 300. This bombing was a forgone conclusion when in August, the Biden administration approved over $20 billion in arms sales to Israel, including F-15 fighter jets, tank shells, and military vehicles. The deal signaled the U.S. commitment to imperialism across the broader region by investing in zionist settler-colonialism. This deal helped chart the course for Israel to advance genocide across Gaza and escalate eliminatory violence across Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq. After all, war is profitable to many: The top 15 defense contractors are expected to generate $52 billion in free cash flow by 2026, nearly doubling their combined cash flow from 2021. The top five U.S. defense contractors, excluding Boeing, are projected to produce $26 billion in cash flow by 2026, more than twice the amount they generated in 2021.

Despite these foreign investments into the colonial outpost, the greatest military asset of the Israeli regime isn't unregulated funding, access to the newest technologies, or unlimited access to weapons — zionism's greatest asset is its willingness to enact indiscriminate, elementary violence. In a recent article, we look at how racist tropes of "military superiority" mask Israel's wanton killing of men, women, and children.


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